Basit Fiyatlandırma

Choose the plan
that works for you

Transparent pricing without any hidden fees so you always know what you will pay.

Your wallet credit will be used as an additional discount.
If you have enough credit, you can get a plan for free!
No credit card required Başla
Save 31% Pro
$12.00 /ay
Save more using your wallet credit Başla
Save 31% Premium
34% Off $45.00
$30.00 /ay
Save more using your wallet credit Başla
Save 33% Elite
31% Off $300.00
$210.00 /ay
Save more using your wallet credit Try 1 days for free
Save 22% Mazaya Monshaat
$266.00 /ay
Save more using your wallet credit Başla
Short Links 30 200 500 3,000
Link Clicks
Veri saklama 30 Gün 30 Gün 30 Gün Sonsuz Sonsuz
Biyo Sayfalar 1 2 5 10 1
QR Kodları 5 / ay 20 / ay 50 / ay 300 200 / ay
Bulk QR Codes
Özel Açılış Sayfası 1 2 5 10
CTA Yer Paylaşımları 2 5
Markalı Alan Adları 1 1 2
İzleme Pikselleri 2 5
Kanallar 2 5 10 3
Takım üyeleri 1 3
Özel Takma Adlar
Deep Linking
Coğrafi hedefleme
Cihaz Hedefleme
Dil Hedefleme
A/B Testing & Rotator
Sona Erme
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Frames on QR
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Premium Domains
Geliştirici API'sı
API Rate Limit 30/min 30/min 30/min 30/min
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Verileri Dışa Aktar
  Email support Email support Email and WhatsApp support Email and WhatsApp support
  Başla Başla Başla Try 1 days for free Başla

Need a custom plan?

If our current plans do not fit your needs, we will create a tailored plan just for your needs.

Sıkça Sorulan Sorular

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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